Nicholas Hufnagel ‘25, “They are going very skibidi.” Kate Hutchison ‘25, “Great.” Benjamin Hester ‘25, “My classes are going really well, and I think this werek we’re going to jump into content after last week was a lot of introductions.” Cam Macfetridge ‘25, They’re going awesome. I have my four hardest classes on Monday and it sucks.”
Bing Kawasaki ‘26, “Okay.” Dahlia Wandasiewicz ‘26, “Good.” Lola Zedonis ‘26, “I need food, can you follow me? Going alright.” Vivienne Hunter ‘26, “The start to my school year’s been pretty smooth and pretty exciting.” Hussein Hussein ‘27, “Going pretty good.” Alex Lombardi ‘27, “They’re really boring, but I push through, I carry on.”
Gretchen Stroble ‘27, “They’re good. They’re stressful but they’ve been good.”
Harper Vedder ‘27, “So far, so good. A little boring.” Zane Zilliax ‘28, “Good.”
Ethan Im ‘28, “They're going good. It's just kind of easing into the year, but overall it's going fine.” Grace Neisweinder ‘28, “They’re going good. There’s a lot of homework so far. There are already two tests that are planned.” Luke Stanley ‘28, “They’re going pretty okay.”